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Try submitting bike lane obstructions with our mobile app. Date, time, and location data fields can be filled in automatically from the photos you include.
Typically, 1-5 images captures:
+ Clear images of license plates.
+ Shows obstruction in bike lane.
+ Distinguishing company marks.
+ Logos & USDOT#'s.
+ Lyft & Uber stickers.
+ Unsafe lane conditions.
Please attach unaltered images of bike lane obstructions or unsafe lane conditions.
Categories include bike lane obstructions as well as unsafe bike lane conditions.
Obstruction Type
Please select the option that best describes your submission.
If you do not know the license plate number, simply select "unknown".
License Plate State
Please select the option that best describes your submission.
Some letters on license plates are smaller than others. Please include the little ones too.
License Plate #
If the bike lane obstruction is a vehicle, add plate # here.
For USPS, please include vehicle # here instead of plate #
USDOT numbers offer a great deal of insights on companies. These #'s are located on commercial vehicles & can often be located & documented by photographing the vehicle's door.
Include USDOT numbers, company names, & additional information that describe the submission.
This field will auto-populate the last metro city you selected on your device/browser.
Metro City
Which city did this occur in? This field will auto populate to the last metro city you selected on your device / browser.
All submissions are mapped by their geolocation.
Where did this submission take place?
Geolocation format example: 41.890561, -87.646545
You are welcome to submit bike lane obstructions & lane condition that were recorded prior to your account being approved.
What day did the obstruction or lane condition take place?
Choose the time that best describes when this submission was witnessed.
What time did the obstruction or lane condition take place?
Please email us if you need assistance.
Did a crash occur?
Did a crash take place as a result of this lane obstruction or unsafe lane condition?
Reporting to city?
Have you or will you report this incident to the city the incident occurred in?
Do not close this page
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