UPDATED: 7/20/2022 @ 3:50pm - Updated map from expected votes to final votes by alders.
UPDATED: 7/20/2022 @ 2:49pm - Motion Failed. The speed threshold will remain at 6 mph. We've updated our tables and web page with all final votes. Thank you to everyone who reached out to your alders. It clearly had an effect.

UPDATED: 7/20/2022 @ 11:56am - tables have been updated to include which alders showed up late for todays vote.
UPDATED: 7/20/2022 @ 11:04am - tables have been updated to include which alders were present and which were absent from todays vote. 4 of the 8 alders with undecided votes were absent: Ward 16, Stephanie D. Coleman, Ward 20 Jeanette Taylor, Ward 26, Roberto Maldonado, Ward 33 Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez
UPDATED: 7/20/2022 @ 9:53 am - the vote for the speed threshold increase will take place at 10 am today. Here’s a link to tune in remotely. https://www.chicityclerk.com/city-council-meeting-24
UPDATED: 7/19/2022 @ 11:55 pm - we just received word Alder Byron Sigcho-Lopez will be voting to keep the current speed threshold. Our map and table have been updated to reflect this change. 2 more votes are needed.
UPDATED: 7/18/2022 @ 3:55 pm - updated to include process for signing up to make public comment at the committee
UPDATED: 7/18/2022 @ 11:35 am - Cardona, of the 31st ward, is now expected to vote against increasing the speed threshold. Maps and data below have been updated to reflect this update.
This Wednesday, July 20, 2022, city council will vote to decide what the speed camera ticket threshold will be. Currently, the speed threshold is 6 mph over, meaning anyone driving 6 miles an hour over the speed limit in an area with a speed camera is eligible for a speeding ticket. Multiple alders are in favor of raising the speed threshold to 10 mph over the speed limit. This means, anyone driving 9 miles over the speed limit would not be ticketed.

Background & Stats
CALL to ACTION: this will be a close vote that could go either way. An all time record high of cyclists and pedestrians have been killed in Chicago the past few years. Raising the speed threshold will likely raise the death toll. We need folks to reach out to their alders and ask how they plan to vote on this issue. (See map & tables below)
In order to keep the speed threshold to 6 mph, a total of 26 alders will need to vote against raising the speed threshold.
Below, we have identified how we expect each alder to vote. (See map & tables below)
Currently 8 alder votes are unknown. These votes will be critical as they will determine the final outcome. (See map & tables below)
We anticipate 24 alders will vote to keep the speed threshold to 6 mph. At least 3 more votes are needed in favor of keeping the speed threshold at 6 mph. (See map & tables below)
Based on public statements, 18 alders support raising the speed threshold. Those in favor of raising the speed threshold would need 8 more votes in order to increase the speed threshold to allow drivers to drive 10 mph over the speed limit without impunity. (See map & tables below)
Call to Action
Below we have mapped wards by how we expect each alder to vote on this issue.
Call/email your alder to find out where they stand. Feel free to carbon copy us on any emails: hello@bikelaneuprising.com
If your alder is listed as undecided, your calls and emails could be critical to helping them understanding how their constituents would like them to vote. (See map & tables below)
Ask your alder how they plan to vote on this issue.
Please let us know if you learn an alder is likely voting in a different direction than what we have listed.
Need a calendar reminder to call/email your alder? Schedule a reminder here
Sign up to speak at the committee during the public comment section. (see information below on how to sign up)
Map of how each alder voted
Yellow wards - Absent or no vote
Red wards - voted to raise the speed threshold to 10 mph over the speed limit
Green wards - voted to keep the speed threshold to 6 mph over the speed limit
Alders whose votes are UNKNOWN
CALL to ACTION: Do you live in one of these wards? If so, your ward is a swing ward and will likely determine the direction of the vote. Please help by reaching out to your alder and ask how they plan to vote on this issue. You may carbon copy us on an email exchanges: hello@bikelaneuprising.com
All expected votes
CALL to ACTION: Please contact us if you find a public statement that shows an alder will likely vote in a direction different from what we have listed below.
Sign up to speak before the committee
Public Comment Process for Chicago City Council Committee Meetings Conducted by Videoconference
Step 1
Persons wishing to comment at a City Council committee meeting conducted by videoconference shall call tel: 312-744-6800 and leave a voice message with their name and telephone number. Requests to comment will be accepted from 10:00 AM two business days before the scheduled meeting until 9:00 AM the business day before the scheduled meeting. Any individual wishing to participate must be available at the scheduled start time of the committee meeting and have access to a touch-tone telephone.
Step 2
After 9:00 AM on the business day before the scheduled meeting, the Sergeant-at-Arms will compile a list of names and telephone numbers of those who wish to participate and assign each person a number. The order of participants will be determined by a random draw that the Sergeant-at-Arms conducts from the assigned numbers.
Step 3
Between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM on the business day before the scheduled meeting, the Sergeant-at-Arms will contact each selected participant at the telephone number provided, and give them instructions to access the meeting, including a telephone number and passcode. The Sergeant-at-Arms will only make one attempt to call the selected participant; if there is no live response, the selection is forfeited, and the Sergeant-at-Arms will move on the next selected participant. 1. At the scheduled start time on the day of the meeting, selected participants must call into the meeting from the telephone number they originally provided to the City and wait to be called upon to speak.